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Pinecrest Estates


Pinecrest Estates is a single family residential community which began construction in 2008.   The site is located off of NC 43 near BSH, Inc on the northern side of New Bern.  This development consists of two sections having 60 lots total.  The two sections are connected not by roadway, but by walking trails and natural areas.  Roads within the subdivision are curbed with sidewalks on one side throughout.  Homesites are now available.

Stormwater Design

Stormwater from this project is designed to be transported via storm drains throughout the site.  This drainage network conveys drainage to the large wet detention basin on the northwest part of the site.  The wet detention basin on this project is designed to store the first two inches of runoff with no outlet, thereby minimizing impacts to downstream property. 

Wastewater Design

Wastewater for this site is collected and transported by gravity sewer mains.  We were able to negotiate with bordering property owners to make the sewer extensions without the need for a pump station.

Water Design

Existing nearby water mains were tapped in two locations to supply water for Pinecrest Estates.  Smaller water mains were provided where necessary to cut customer costs.  Hydrants for fire protection are located throughout.

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          Project Photos


Lake Before


LT Sidewalk


Pump Station


LT South